Japanese Egg Tofu

*egg tofu tubes (à 100g)
*some cornstarch for coating
*oil for shallowfrying
*spring onion, chopped
*2 t ginger, finely chopped
*2 t oil
*6 T chickenstock
*1.5 T shaoxing ricewine
*2 t cornstarch in cold water
In a small pan, gently sautee the ginger in a little bit of oil. Then add the ricewine and stock. Thicken with some cornstarch mixed with cold water. That’s it. You can do this in advance and reheat later.
Cut the tube with egg tofu in half and while you gently squeeze out the tofu, slice it in 2 cm coins and carefully drop them on a plate covered with cornstarch. Dust with some more cornstarch and quickly transfer them to a frying pan with 1 cm of hot oil. Shallow fry them for about 1 minute each side until golden, but not too brown.
Carefully arrange on a plate (sizzling plate for extra effect) or chinese spoons (for an amuse bouche). Sprinkle some spring onion on top. Add the sauce, but not too much, you don’t want it all to go soggy. Serve immediately.
Information from: kokrobin.wordpress.com